


IEC/SC3D 審議文書

25-01-24IEC 61360-C00169Result of Voting on 3D/416/VD - IEC 61360-C00169: IEC CDD: C00169 - Maintenance of language identifiersVD3D/416/VD

IEC/TC(SCs)31 審議文書

25-01-24Approval of Co-Convenors of MT 60079-15 & WG 39Q2025-03-0731/1853/Q
25-01-24IEC 60079-25/AMD1 ED3IEC 60079-25/AMD1 ED3: Amendment 1 - Explosive atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical systemsCDV2025-03-2131G/417/CDV
25-01-24Questionnaire on future development of specific requirements for installations in underground minesQ2025-03-0731J/384/Q
25-01-24ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 ED2ISO/IEC 80079-20-1 ED2: Explosive atmospheres - Part 20-1: Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification - Test methods and dataCD2025-03-2131M/249/CD
25-01-24Result of Questionnaire on 31M/345/Q: Reappointment of Convenors of SC 31M WGs and MTsRQ31M/248/RQ
25-01-24Meeting documents - Plenary meeting held as on Tuesday, 22th October 2024 in Edinburgh, GBMTG31M/251/MTG
25-01-24Unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held as on Tuesday, 22th October 2024 in Edinburgh, GBRM31M/250/RM

IEC/TC(SCs)44 審議文書

25-01-24IEC 61496-1 ED5IEC 61496-1 ED5: Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General requirements and testsCD2025-04-1844/1055/CD
25-01-24IEC 61496-2 ED5IEC 61496-2 ED5: Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 2: Particular requirements for equipment using active opto-electronic protective devices (AOPDs)CD202025-04-1825-03-2144/1056/CD

IEC/TC(SCs)45 審議文書

25-01-24Result of questionnaire on 45/988/Q: Extension for Convenor of TC 45/JWG 5: Radionuclide calibrators (Managed by SC 62C)RQ25-04-1845/992/RQ
25-01-24IEC/IEEE 62671 ED2Revised Compilation of Comments on 45A/1533A/CD - IEC/IEEE 62671 ED2: Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Selection and use of industrial digital devices of limited functionalityCC45A/1551A/CC

IEC/TC(SCs)65 審議文書

25-01-24IEC 63278-5 ED1Revised Result of Voting on 65/1032/NP - PNW 65-1032 ED1: Asset Administration Shell for industrial applications ? Part 5: InterfacesRVN65/1097A/RVN
25-01-24IEC 62443-1-1 ED1IEC 62443-1-1 ED1: Security for automation and control systems ? Part 1-1: Overview and Guidance for the IEC 62443 SeriesCD25-03-2165/1112/CD
25-01-24IEC 61512-1 ED2Revised Result of Voting on 65A/1108/CDV - IEC 61512-1 ED2: Batch control - Part 1: Models and terminologyRQ65A/1127B/RVC
25-01-24Questionnaire on the change of title and scope for SC 65A/WG 18Q25-03-0765A/1170/Q
25-01-24IEC 62439 seriesQuestionnaire about revision of the IEC 62439 series(Industrial communication networks ?High availability automation networks)Q25-03-0765C/1340/Q
25-01-24IEC 62657-2 ED4Result of Voting on 65C/1329/FDIS - IEC 62657-2 ED4: Industrial networks - Coexistence of wireless systems - Part 2: Coexistence managementRVD65C/1337/RVD
25-01-24IEC 62541-15 ED1Result of Voting on 65C/1334/FDIS - IEC 62541-15 ED1: OPC Unified Architecture - Part 15: SafetyRVD65C/1339/RVD
25-01-24IEC 62657-4 ED2esult of Voting on 65C/1330/FDIS - IEC 62657-4 ED2: Industrial networks - Coexistence of wireless systems - Part 4: Coexistence management with central coordination of wireless applicationsRVD65C/1338/RVD
25-01-24Result of Questionnaire on 65E/1150/Q: Questionnaire to propose to revise the title and scope for SC 65E WG2: Product properties & classificationRQ65E/1153/RQ

IEC/TC66 審議文書


IEC/TC(SCs)77 審議文書

25-01-24IEC 61000-4-27/AMD2 ED1IEC 61000-4-27/AMD2 ED1: Amendment 2 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-27: Testing and measurement techniques - Unbalance, immunity testCDV25-04-1877A/1236/CDV
25-01-24IEC 61000-4-30 ED4IEC 61000-4-30 ED4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques - Power quality measurement methodsCDV25-04-1877A/1235/CDV
25-01-24IEC 61000-3-3 ED4IEC 61000-3-3 ED4: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current ?16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connectionCD25-03-2177A/1240/CD
25-01-24IEC TR 61000-1-9:2024SC77A/WG1 proposal regarding an amendment to IEC TR 61000-1-9:2024Q25-03-0777A/1239/Q
25-01-24IEC 61000-4-2 ED3IEC 61000-4-2 ED3: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic discharge immunity testFDIS25-02-0777B/896(F)/FDIS

IEC/TC85 審議文書

25-01-24 IEC 62586-1 and IEC 62586-2Result of Questionnaire 85/940/Q, Questionnaire on Maintenance of IEC 62586-1 and IEC 62586-2RQ85/947/RQ
25-01-24IEC TS 62586-3 ED1IEC TS 62586-3 ED1: Power quality measurement in power supply systems - Part 3: Maintenance tests, calibrationDTS2025-03-2185/948/DTS

IEC/TC111 審議文書
